We’ve updated our tables to give you more control over how you view and analyze data within watchlists, screeners, and portfolio holdings. You can now customize tables to fit your needs––and your screen.
Data legibility on your terms
Our new table design lets you decide how much data you’d like to see in one viewport. Adjust the width and order of each column in both default and condensed modes without sacrificing readability; our new design will respond to whatever density and ordering you prefer. You can also sort columns, individually or in multiple, for more relevant analysis. And you can save your density, order, and sorting preferences to your views for easy access.
Better transparency into your holdings
It’s now easier to identify duplicate securities within your portfolio. Our new table design breaks down how much of a certain security you own, at the individual and fund levels, all in the same place. For more in-depth tutorials on adjusting and sorting columns, visit our Help Center. Or start using the new table design in Investor today.