An illustration showing a Publishing System custom report dashboard, an investment report, and schedule module.

Streamline your workflow. Build your brand. Grow your business.

Customized Reporting Solutions

Build one-off reports or standardized layouts for easy comparisons and across-the-board consistency.

Elevated Storytelling

Generate business and expand your reach with unified messaging across sales teams, asset managers, and consultants.

Industry-Leading Design

Ensure your reports stand out with clear, compelling visuals that are informative and attention-grabbing.

Backed by Morningstar Ratings

Showcase the strength of your investment products by licensing the Morningstar ratings and visualizations that investors know and trust.

Direct Reporting and Distribution Solutions Use Cases​

Our reporting solutions help you tell your investment stories at every phase of a product’s lifecycle.

Scalable Marketing

Create assets from internal-facing company reports to external client meetings and even external-facing channels such as landing pages.

Compelling Websites

Deliver unique, digital marketing strategies with exclusive data and ratings.

Quality Factsheets

Produce detailed factsheets that provide the flexibility to outsource the process, or handle parts yourself.

Regulatory Documents

Complete regulatory reporting obligations with our comprehensive solutions to calculate, produce, and distribute documents to the market.

Powerful Communications

Improve client relationships by securely delivering marketing communications to sales teams.

Direct Reporting and Distribution Solutions Features

Reporting is as time-consuming as it is essential. That’s why our solutions are designed to save you time and fit your reporting needs as you grow.

Core Morningstar Ratings and Visualizations

Used together, ratings and visualizations can reveal what makes your offerings special. From pairing views of historical successes with future predictions to promoting fund strengths, you can highlight your strengths and boost your visibility.

Let’s collaborate

Connect with a Morningstar Professional